• The machine

    In the quiet corners of an unassuming laboratory, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world, Dr. Emily Hartley toiled tirelessly on her life’s work—a time machine. For years, she had dedicated herself to perfecting the device, driven by a singular obsession: the desire to witness history firsthand. Finally, after countless sleepless nights and… Continue reading

  • Writing Prompt from a website : man falls in love with saleslady

    It was a crisp, wintry day, the kind that seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. Today marked a monumental occasion in my life – the day I would choose an engagement ring for my beloved Marie. As I pushed open the door to Gavarian Jewels, a cascade of emotions flooded over me, and I… Continue reading

  • Cover to Cover

    It was a frigid February morning, and a busy one as well for my shop “Cover to Cover”. An extremely popular author ” Nolan Reds” was doing a signing in a few hours for his novel  ” The Chase of It,” which is one of my favorite novels. The book is about two people trying… Continue reading

  • The Everlasting Eclipse

    As I reminisced about that summer day by the pool with my friends, the memory felt like a distant dream, a flicker of warmth in the midst of an endless night. Amy’s cheerful insistence on swimming clashed with my desire to bask in the sun’s warmth and work on my tan. It was a typical… Continue reading

  • Paul and Jhon

    Paul confidently declared, “Bet I can chop down your trees before you can grow ’em.” I thought it was a silly bet; everyone knows planting trees is tougher than cutting them! Despite my initial reluctance, Paul taunted me, calling me a coward and claiming I was afraid to lose. Feeling challenged, I reluctantly accepted the… Continue reading

  • Soul Suckers Revised Version

    The day was gray and overcast as Zoey peered out of her window. A moving truck stood parked outside, and her eyes widened as she watched people carrying furniture into the creepy old house across the street. The house, with its dead tree in the front yard and crows circling above, resembled something out of… Continue reading

  • Hot chocolate after a cold day

    When winter’s chill has had its say, And frosty winds have blown away, Cradling warmth in a cozy mug, Hot chocolate, a comforting hug. Cocoa whispers, “Come and sip,” As marshmallows dance, in liquid’s grip. A symphony of sweetness, swirling delight, Melted dreams on a chilly night. Steamy tendrils rise and play, Chasing winter’s chill… Continue reading

  • Ocean poem

    In depths where secrets silently reside, Where tides weave tales, a boundless tide, A symphony of whispers, waves declare, The ocean, vast, with mysteries to share. Beneath the azure canvas, endless and wide, A liquid realm where dreams and fears abide, Each ripple a stanza, every wave a line, An epic tale, written in sands… Continue reading

  • How to run a small business

     Does your small business need help? You’re  business needs more customers, and to have that you need these tips!  They’re sure to get you more customers. #1: You need good advertisement. If you don’t have signs or ads , how will people know where your shop  is? Maybe get some friends to spread the news… Continue reading